recently thrifted

I’m in the thick of getting organized for a garage sale I’m having next month (more on that soon!), an activity that’s inspired me to lay off the thrift-store circuit a bit. It’s hard to be excited about bringing stuff home when you’re working so hard to clean house, you know? At any rate, here are a few small finds from recent weeks.

A 50-cent vintage shot-glass-turned vase from New to You Thriftique.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset A set of six glass salad plates, also from New to You Thriftique. (I paid $2 for all six.)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset A blue and white china planter from Unique in Burnsville, which I paid $1.99 for.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetHave you hit the thrifts lately? If so, do you have any fun finds to share?



nice find: kara’s waylon t-shirt

Hello lovelies, and happy Monday! In my many years of thrifting, I’ve come to believe that some items wind up with certain people on purpose. Like when Kara posted her cute mug in this thrifted Waylon tee, I knew I had to quell my insane jealousy and accept that it was simply meant for her. Here she is with the full scoop on her Nice Find.

Name: Kara
Location: Minneapolis
My Nice Find is: Oh, nothing fancy—just a men’s XL Waylon Jennings tee! NBD.

9c1334b4b9cd11e3b7520ef2b06b89f1_8I thrifted it at: It came from Unique in Northeast. My bestie Amy plucked it out of the rack for me like magic.
I paid: $5? Maybe?
I’m going to wear it: Everywhere…if my brother doesn’t steal it first.
My best piece of thrifting advice is: Go with a friend who understands your style and you understand hers. You find double the stuff that way!
My favorite Waylon Jennings song is: This week? “Good Hearted Woman.”

So…who’s up next? If you have a #nicefind you’d like to share, I would love to tell your story! Shoot me an email ( about a thrifted purchase that made you giddy, along with a photo, and we can go from there!
I hope to hear from you soon!

heads up: one-day dress sale at Savers + Unique Thrift Stores

tumblr_msh9i3GjjE1qaujg4o1_500I don’t know about y’all, but I am beyond stoked that sundress season is back. And though I’m in no way in need of any new (old) dresses, that doesn’t make me any less  tempted by the 40%-off dress sale happening at Savers, Unique and Valu Thrift Stores today. The event, running at all area stores from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., includes dresses for both grown-up and little ladies alike (but excludes frocks with red tags). You must have an I M Unique Club Card or Super Savers Club Card in your possession to partake in the savings. (Do NOT try registering for a card today, they won’t allow it on sale days!)



Photo c/o: Ghost Vintage Clothing.

heads up: one-day sales at savers and unique thrift stores


Tomorrow, both Savers and the Unique family of thrift stores are having one-day sales. At Savers, club card members will save 30% on clothing, shoes, accessories and goodies in the bed and bath department. (You can find the store nearest you here.) Customers visiting Unique thrift stores (and Valu thrift in St. Paul) will get a hefty 50% discount on clothing, shoes, accessories and bed and bath supplies, but only if you have an I M Unique card. (You can find a complete list of their locations here.) Signing up for both savings clubs is totally free…just don’t try to register for an account on a sale day. That’s a no-no.

Happy hunting!



P.S. There’s still time to enter the vintage styling guides giveaway. I’m giving away all three books to one lucky reader. Enter today!