heads up: one-day dress sale at Savers + Unique Thrift Stores

tumblr_msh9i3GjjE1qaujg4o1_500I don’t know about y’all, but I am beyond stoked that sundress season is back. And though I’m in no way in need of any new (old) dresses, that doesn’t make me any lessĀ  tempted by the 40%-off dress sale happening at Savers, Unique and Valu Thrift Stores today. The event, running at all area stores from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., includes dresses for both grown-up and little ladies alike (but excludes frocks with red tags). You must have an I M Unique Club Card or Super Savers Club Card in your possession to partake in the savings. (Do NOT try registering for a card today, they won’t allow it on sale days!)



Photo c/o: Ghost Vintage Clothing.