sunday funday

tumblr_n70qifDOxR1qzxyyzo1_500First and foremost, BIG HUGE THANKS to the sweetheart-ed souls who came out in the cold and rain to shop my garage sale. Drizzle aside, seeing familiar faces (and meeting some of you for the first time!) brought a whole bunch of sunshine to an overall cloudy day.

As luck would have it, today the skies are blue and the sun’s shining down. Which is A-OK with me, because I’m going to see Shooter Jennings and Waymore’s Outlaws play outside tonight, and I’m pretty sure I’d cry if I had to spend another minute in the rain. While I’m not a fan of Shooter’s original music, I am looking forward to seeing his backing band, comprised of Richie Albright, Waylon’s original drummer and right-hand man since 1964, FAME studio session bassist, Jerry Bridges, who played with Waylon starting in the “Dukes of Hazzard” days and steel guitar legend Fred Newell. I’m extra-excited because it’s the first outdoor concert I’ve been to you yet this year, I have the perfect dress to wear and…have I mentioned that’s it’s not raining?

Whatever you’re up to this Sunday, enjoy yourselves! Rain or shine, summer weekends are gifts to be treasured.



Photo c/o: King of Beers.

nice find: kara’s waylon t-shirt

Hello lovelies, and happy Monday! In my many years of thrifting, I’ve come to believe that some items wind up with certain people on purpose. Like when Kara posted her cute mug in this thrifted Waylon tee, I knew I had to quell my insane jealousy and accept that it was simply meant for her. Here she is with the full scoop on her Nice Find.

Name: Kara
Location: Minneapolis
My Nice Find is: Oh, nothing fancy—just a men’s XL Waylon Jennings tee! NBD.

9c1334b4b9cd11e3b7520ef2b06b89f1_8I thrifted it at: It came from Unique in Northeast. My bestie Amy plucked it out of the rack for me like magic.
I paid: $5? Maybe?
I’m going to wear it: Everywhere…if my brother doesn’t steal it first.
My best piece of thrifting advice is: Go with a friend who understands your style and you understand hers. You find double the stuff that way!
My favorite Waylon Jennings song is: This week? “Good Hearted Woman.”

So…who’s up next? If you have a #nicefind you’d like to share, I would love to tell your story! Shoot me an email ( about a thrifted purchase that made you giddy, along with a photo, and we can go from there!
I hope to hear from you soon!