heads up: my rummage sale is tomorrow!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetToday it’s my pleasure to fill you in on a rummage sale I’m personally very excited about…because it’s mine! My basement and garage have been filled to the brim with all kinds of (mostly vintage) goodness and it’s time to send it all off to other good homes.

I’m parting with a TON of sweet stuff, including clothes, sized XS-XL, furniture, framed art work, craft supplies, electronics, Pyrex, holiday decorations and books, in addition to approximately one billion other things for your home and garden. From soaker hoses to needlepoint, there’s definitely a little bit of everything up for grabs and it is all PRICED TO GO! Sneak peeks will be hitting Twitter and Instagram later today, but in the meantime, here’s the Craigslist ad that outlines what’s for sale, location details and sale hours.

Should you be in the mood to make a morning of it, tomorrow also happens to be the 12th annual SENA neighborhood rummage sales, which are 150+ strong and right in the neighborhood next door. SENA sales are running from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and you can pick up a guide at Angry Catfish, the Midtown Farmers Market or Keen Eye Coffee. If shopping makes you hungry, I just heard that Tiny Diner‘s finally open, which is just up the road from me, but there’s also yummy brunch to be had at Blackbird, Five Watt Coffee, Pepito’s (hello, brunch buffet) and Colossal Cafe, and all are mere minutes from my house.

Rain or shine, I hope to see you tomorrow!



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