guest post: mary o’regan gets warm & fuzzy

I’ve got another busy day ahead, and another rad guest blogger lined up for ya. Today, my most fashionable pal Mary spots a warm and fuzzy trend that can easily (and cheaply) be adopted with a quick trip to the thrift. I hope you like it!

Shearling, sure thing?

Hi everyone!

Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Mary O’Regan from fashion blog Art of Wore, here to guest-blog for the day while Meghan prepares to open her second Mighty Swell pop-up shop this weekend (which you should definitely check out!).

I’d like to take this opportunity to write about a trend that’s been in the back of my mind for quite some time.


Shearling. That’s right, the fuzzy fur that served as trim for many a ‘90s jacket. It’s backwith a vengence, appearing all over the fall runways.

At Ralph Lauren…


And Barbara Bui, too.


It’s all over Etsy, as well,  in the form of vintage clothing. Shearling is pretty easy to come by second-hand. I often see it lining jackets, vests and gloves, in both the men’s and women’s sections when I’m out thrifting. Here are some favorites from Etsy.

Tarantula Sisters

Pompom Clothing

Fox Tail Vintage

L’Enfant Terrible

I’m in love with the above shearling-trimmed trench coat. It looks like something you’dsee on a femme fatale in the 1940s.

But probably my favorite use of shearling appears on shoes. I’m head over heels for these Dolce Vitas.

Dolce Vita “Jagger” bootie

Burberry boot

With this type of look, the higher the heel the better, otherwise you’re verging into dumpy winter-wear. And we all know warmth has little to do with trendiness! Luckily this fad fits in well with cold weather.

So, whaddya think? Is shearling best left in the ‘90s, or are you going to embrace this new furry trend?

That’s all for now!


1 thought on “guest post: mary o’regan gets warm & fuzzy

  1. I think like with most things, it all depends on how it’s styled and how someone is wearing it. Personally, I don’t think I could pull off this trend but I’ve seen others do it very well. Another factor may also be that summer has just started here, so winter fashion is the last thing on my mind! haha

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