to-do tonight: girl germs tribute to women in rock

girlgerms-show-webThis whole week, I’ve been equally depressed/enraged by the #YesAllWomen posts. (If you’re unfamiliar, @mostlypregnant’s tweets have been summing it up nicely.) If you, too, could use a night to focus on something positive, let me tell you about this incredible show my friend Dana and her pal Sally have put together, happening TONIGHT at First Avenue. It’s a tribute to women in rock ‘n roll, with seven local bands playing music by a female artist of their choosing.
Here’s the lineup! (Pssst, you can read more about the bands and their selections here.)
Night Moves–performing the Cranberries
Pink Mink–performing Bikini Kill (!!!)
Strange Names–performing the B-52′s
L’Assassins–performing Thee Headcoatees (!!!)
Fury Things–performing Hole
CRYSTAL (feat. members of Brute Heart)–performing Sade
Lydia Liza (of Bomba De Luz)–performing Dusty Springfield (!!!)

The event will be hosted by the legendary Lori Barbero and my incredibly talented friend Jen Hughes will be DJ’ing. (P.S. Watch clips from Jen’s 25 essentials albums by female artists here! It’s a must-read, fabulous post.)

Sweetening the pot (literally), is Girl Germs’ partnership with Glam Doll Donuts. The bakery created a masterpiece of a treat for the event—a blueberry-packed cake donut topped with MORE blueberries and a homemade lavender marshmallow. I had the chance to taste-test one a couple days ago and holy cannoli, it’s literally the best thing I’ve eaten in ages. These pretty babies will be available at Glam Doll all weekend AND at the show tonight. DO NOT MISS OUT.

10414053_1385695125052857_1871597956_nSo, just to recap, we have a feminist rock icon hosting, an amazing DJ filling your ears with music between sets, SEVEN bands and yummy fruit-filled donuts. Clearly this concert belongs on your calendar, am I right? Tickets are a measly $10, and if you’re in the area, you should definitely come. It’s going to be a glorious evening.

See you there?



Photos c/o: Girl Germs' Instagram.

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